Hello there! Its been a while since I have placed new content on this site. I hope that within the next coming weeks that I will be able to bring your more.
First off lets get Evan Erwin's recent video cast.
Haven't had enough? Here is a bonus podcast that Mr. Erwin is doing.
I apologize to all that actually follow this blog, but for the past few months I have been the webmaster for a few clubs on my college campus. This required most of my attention. Along with learning a second language so that I can graduate from college.
So, what's new now then? Well, one of the clubs had elections and as a senior I am unable to run for a position for next year. Yes, free time! Well.... At least some. But know since I do have some free time, I will be able to bring your more content here at Walking the Planes. There will also be some changes as well, including layout changes and design.
Until my next posting, try to not get counterspelled.