Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Red Deck Wins

Red Deck Wins. You have all heard it. Figure on turn one, Hellspark on turn two, and Ram-Gang on turn three. Fast and deadly is what flashes to mind. And that there is the appeal of the deck on others. This deck type is truly powerful, but are all RDW's the same? Is there only one real build for this deck? No there isn't RDW gives you many options when you build. Some choose more burn over creatures, while others prefer the hordes of creatures.

Deck Tech: Red Deck Wins

17x Mountain
4x Firelit Thicket
1x Karplusan Forest

4x Figures of Destiny
2x Mogg Fanatic
4x Hellspark Elemental
2x Stigma Lasher
4x Boggart Ram-Gang
4x Hell's Thunder
3x Balefire Liege

4x Lash Out
4x Incinerate
4x Flame Javelin

3x Firespout

3x Volcanic Fallout
3x Fulminator Mage
2x Stigma Lasher
4x Magma Spray
3x Naturalize

These decks have a generic build. Many that I have seen run Ashenmoor Gouger. The Gouger's 4 toughness use to be nice because the threat of Firespout. But in today's games, Firespout is no longer a big danger. Since the release of Conflux, many players have switched over to playing volcanic fallout over the Firespout. Why you ask? Simply put because it is instant speed. Oh yeah, and its uncounterable. So, why am I still playing Firespout then? I have been asked that many times. I feel that since the rotation to using Volcanic Fallout, people have started using more 3 thoughness creatures again thinking "they won't die anymore". So, I am taking advantage of this thinking. And thus far it has worked.

One of the key features in this deck is Balefire Liege. Do you see why? Not only does it pump me creatures, they also allow me to Lightning Bolt my opponent in the face for every spell I play!! Now this is something that I can be happy about.

Wait a minute! Your not running Guttural Responce in the sideboard, why? As far as I'm concerned Faeries is now a dead deck type. Volcanic Fallout hits them hard and they don't get back up.

Why not Spark Elemental? Spark Elemental is good, but why only get one use out of it. I don't mind paying the additional mana to play the Hellspark and have the ability to play him again later. The Hellspark kind of acts like two creatures in a sense.

Until next time Planeswalkers, this is Deppe, passing the turn.

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