Hello everyone. Sorry for the lack of post in recent days, but work and a need for studying my German was needed.
Today, we take a look at a creatureless monoblack deck. From what I can tell this deck can cause some serious pain. This deck utilizes cards from the newly released M10, and WOW. Minor testing of the deck showed that it can rip your opponent a new one before they even feel it. Let's take a look.
Deck Tech: The Ripper
- 24x Swamp
- 4x Doomblade
- 4x Unmake
- 4x Sign in Blood
- 4x Infest
- 4x Tendrils of Corruption
- 4x Corrupt
- 2x Consume Spirit
- 2x Profane Command
- 2x Mind Shatter
- 2x Incremental Blight
- 4x Sanguine Bond
- 4x Duress
- 2x Incremental Blight
- 1x Mind Shatter
- 3x Haunting Echos
- 3x Deathmark
- 2x Trip Noose
I have not Personally taken this deck on a spin around the FNM, but a few others have. Lets look at a round by round summary of this deck's time at FNM.
FNM - Round 1
Matchup: Honor of the Pure Kithkin
Not a whole lot to say about this one, honestly. Duress into Sign In blood into Infest pretty much sealed the deal. A few spot removal spells, Sanguine Bond and a Corrupt later it was lights out, and the next game proceeded to play out exactly the same way.
FNM - Round 2
Matchup: RDW (Red Deck Wins)
Cakes and pies. Tendrils of Corruption is definately MVP in this match. Use spot removal on Ball Lightning and Tendrils of Corruption a couple of things and you're golden. Wish I could say a bit more about this matchup but that pretty much sums it up.
FNM - Round 3
Matchup: Honor of the Pure Kithkin
Game one he got an insanely agressive start with two Goldmeadow Stalwarts and Burrenton Forge-Tenders. Its just too bad that they die to infest, and over comitting is bad. After wiping his board, I Mind Shattered away what remained of his hand. It was good game after a couple of Sanguine Bond powered Corrupts.
Game two was horrible for me. White Knight came in from the sideboard and he saw two of them, which promptly started caving my head in. Finally, after him not drawing an Honor of the Pure and me Sign in Blooding myself nearly to death I managed to infest away his team and stabilise at 4 life. Lucky, indeed.
FNM - Round 4
Matchup: Five Color Bloodbraid
I wish this match were as easy as kithkin. It isn't. Far from it, in fact.
Game One: Stalled on two lands until my fifth turn. Scooped 'em up.
Game Two: A long and drawn out game which would see me Duress him three times and Mind Shatter him twice, yet he still bounced back with only 8 cards left in his library. I think Haunting Echoes would make this matchup a lot more winnable. Don't know what I was thinking not running it in the board, to be honest.
Notably the decklist was slightly different from what is currently posted. The changes feel like the deck should perform better and curve out much nicer. I recommend that you give this deck a test drive. I certainly feel like this deck is work its time.
Until next time, this is Deppe passing the turn
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