Take a look at Devastation.

What do you think about that? Six black mana to restart the game almost. Is that affect worth six black? I would say yes, because Damnation can destroy all creatures for 2BB. So, six black should be able to destroy all permanents without a problem. This card is kinda a last ditch effort to get back in the game. Maybe it could be part of a combo.
If you likes that little gem take a look at this card.

Oh my god! Its like Flame Javelin but better, well sort of. A better Flame Javelin could be cast for less than three red mana, but think about it for a moment. You can deal 4 damage as soon as you have three red available and then when you have five red available you can hit for 7 damage. Mono-red decks would be eating this card up if Wizards ever printed this card.
Until next time, this is Deppe passing the turn.
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